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State Engineering and Icar JRF 2024 Combo Pack cover

State Engineering and Icar JRF 2024 Combo Pack

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layers 14 Courses

Language: hindi

Validity Period: 365 days

₹30000 40% OFF

₹18000 including 18% GST

UPPCS AE (Agricultural Engineering) Combo Pack (Videos + Online Mock test Series + Handwritten Notes) is a comprehensive online course for Agricultural Engineering Students. 


  1. The student must share the indenture form within 7 days from the date of purchase
  2. The course covers the syllabus of the technical Agriculture Engineering part of UPPCS AE, UKPCS AE, Rajsthan JE (Agricultural Engineering) and MPSC mains optional Agri engineering paper 
  3. The course does not cover the GK, Hindi, English, MPSC Agri Service prelims syllabus and MPSC main optional Agri Science. For these subjects, students will have to prepare on their own
  4. A student can access the course content either on one Laptop or desktop and similarly either on one mobile or tablet. The Concurrent login/ Parallel login is not allowed.
  5. The course will work on Windows laptop and Android Devices. The course will not work on Apple and  iOS browsers

With the purchase of this course you agree to the following conditions:

  • With the purchase of this course, you are giving rights to GATEFORALL to use your personal information, scorecard, practice answer copy, assignments, photos/videos, feedback, course statistics and rank of IFoS or similar competitive exams for commercial and marketing purposes.

Every student must submit the indenture form with us, failing to which your user account may get blocked or course access can get deactivated anytime. As per the Indenture form, we can use your personal details, Rank, Photo and scorecard of all national and state-level examinations, practice/test, answer copy, assignment, course result and course statistics for commercial and marketing purpose. The student must share the indenture form within 7 days of registration

Course Features:

  • Pre-recorded Videos
  • Easy to understand. 
  • Handwritten Notes
  • Shortcuts and tips are also included
  • The course fees are not refundable under any circumstances after successful purchase of the course

Note that you can access course content on only one Laptop/desktop and only one mobile/tablet. The Concurrent login/ Parallel login is not allowed

Disclaimer: The Coaching and Coaching materials are intended to provide helpful and useful material on the subjects or topics addressed. The videos contain information from authentic and reliable sources. Every effort had been made to avoid errors or omissions in all the videos. Despite this, if any error occurs then we owe no responsibility. It is notified that we will not be responsible for any damage or loss of action to anyone, of any kind, in any manner or form

GateForAll does not warrant or make any representations as to the content, accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links and other items contained on its web pages. We make no warranties, express or implied as to the fitness of the information for any purpose, or to results obtained by individuals using the information and is not responsible for any action taken in reliance on the information contained herein

Note: The Agriculture Research Service Preliminary or any other examination is an unpredictable exam and anything can be asked in the examination. Hence, there is no guarantee or no assurance that question will come from the particular chapter which has been discussed in all the videos of the whole combo pack.

The course has been designed based on the analysis of previous paper, experience and knowledge and there is no guarantee or assurance that the question will come in the Agriculture Research Service Preliminary or any other examination from the Combo Pack (including all the Videos, Test series, PDF handouts, Notes and any other information). It is highly advisable to read every part of the syllabus.

Limit of Liability- By registering for this course, the student and the student's employer agree that GateForAll shall not be held liable for any type of loss or damage that could be construed as arising from this course. GateForAll does not take any responsibility for inappropriate use or application of information or instruction provided in this course.







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